Nov 212013

It’s the time of year that we look back at what has happened in 2013 and are thankful for all of the wonderful people we’ve met over the year. People that have pulled up our spirits and allowed us to soldier on in the face of the daunting uphill trek of publishing and authoring. In this case we’re talking mostly about those science fiction fans we have met at conventions, book fairs and festivals. There was one point last year where this enterprise might have just melted away had it not been for YOUR feedback, input, and encouragement.

It is because of this that we started looking at how we were going to get out amongst you this year. While Thomas Gondolfi has a good deal of expertise in electrical engineering, he doesn’t have conventions trying to invite him as a guest lecturer because of his two novels. So we once again do the vendor booth and provide talks on various topics.  This year Thomas Gondolfi will continue his seminars on “The Painful Joy of Self-Publishing”, and “How to Turn GM into $”. He will also be adding “Flirting for Fun and Profit,” a treatise on the fact that flirting isn’t generically sexual, or insincere; and how it can be used not only as a valid marketing technique but also as a way to network.

With all of these things in mind we examined the show schedule we did last year and came up with our tentative appearances for this year.  Only two of them are confirmed, Rustycon and GenCon, but we expect that number to go up significantly. We will also be doing some local appearances but none of them have been finalized.

We are looking forward to visiting with you this year. Remember it is you that keep us going so don’t be afraid to drop by and chat!

 November 21, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Oct 042013

We’ve had some website problems and the “Contact Us” has not been working, even after we thought it was fixed. I’ve removed the “app” that would do the contact us and left you with my email address (

If you’ve sent us a contact just about any time, please email us and we’d be happy to talk to you on just about any topic.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience. A n00b error that I didn’t test the app once in place that I’ll not make again.



 October 4, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Oct 042013

Very disappointing Book Fair today. Fewest single day BOOK fair sales I’ve had yet. In fact had it not been for a two customers late in the afternoon who bought one of each book we would have been in single digits.

Our contract with the fair said that we had to stay til 7PM. Emails later asked us to stay until 8:30PM because of a movie being shown by our guest start Debbie Reynolds. By 6:30 every vendor had packed save me. By 7PM I was the only vendor left in his booth (most were gone by 6PM). I managed to get out by about 7:15.

The day was disappointing in another way. Not a single one of my Southland buddies or ex critique groupies showed up at the booth. I did use deodorant. Maybe it was the kilt that scared them off 😛

On the positive side I made a couple of new contacts with special shout-outs to Jay and Chris of, and Xach from

Likely not doing this fair again, I’m sad to say it didn’t even come close to living up to its value.

 October 4, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Sep 062013

It appears I’ve been remiss. I’ve forgotten to post that I will be at the West Hollywood Book Fair ( on September 29th. I’m looking forward to seeing all my old crew from my F2F critique group in the South Valley area.

If you have a chance, please swing by. I’d love to chat and see where life has taken each of you.


 September 6, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Aug 072013

This coming weekend the next stop in my never-ending quest to sell a book 😀 is Dragonflight ( in Bellevue, Washington.

I will have my normal vendor booth and will be giving both of my speeches; “How to turn GM into $” (Sat 7PM) AND “The Painful Joy of Self Publishing” (Fri 7PM)

Hope to see some of you locals up at the con enjoying some games and lovely book buying :D.

 August 7, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Aug 062013

Dateline Nampa, Idaho. Tom Gondolfi reporting

I want to start by saying that I’ve attended hundreds of conventions and I can’t remember any convention running as smoothly as Fandemonium.  Con staff were helpful and friendly. Events started on time and with the proper requested equipment. The Con staff even mingled among us offering help and encouragement. While all were excellent I have to single out one young woman, Honore’ (con moniker), as being the most exceptional of a stellar crew! She circulated regularly offering help loading, fetching drinks, finding answers to our serious but unusual suggestions, and offering friendly inquiries as how things were going!

I’m alwIMG_20130802_150338_674ays a bit leery of a new convention, so I was pleasantly pleased with how this con was run! WAY TO GO FANDEMONIUM.

All this being said, sales were slightly below my personal expectations at Fandemonium but still very respectable. Probably the oddest thing about Fandemonium, from a vendor perspective, was the flow. Who does their most business on the opening half day of a con and almost none the last full day? Never seen it. Never even HEARD of it. But that is what happened for us and from watching other vendors there the same happened for them.

My first-time talks “How to turn GM into $” and “The Painful Joy of Self-Publishing” were very well received. When I created them I hadn’t spent a great deal of time matching the timing of each to the 1 hour I had available but rather tried to get all of the things out there I wanted to share. Each landed within 5 minutes of the hour (gratz me!) From one con goer (thanks Ryan!) came the quote “Your talks were the highlight of the convention.” Considering IMG_20130802_150311_924 copythe events and cosplay costumes for the contests that I witnessed this seems very high praise indeed.

Now to justify the “My Cousin Vinny” portion of the post title. I’ve never been so sleep deprived at a con ever. Considering that I’ve attended the 24hr/day Origins and GenCon many times this is saying something. Let me share.

Day one we were at the CENSORED chain hotel. I admit I chose it for being an inexpensive option for this nascent business. The place was the most filthy hotel I’ve ever stayed at, even compared to a couple of places I’ve stayed at that normally rented by the hour (don’t ask).  Makeup on the pillows, mildewed shower curtain, a gummy bear on the carpet (that I stepped on late at night on my way to the toilet), torn towels and worst of all, my partner in crime being bitten multiple times by some unknown insect (in covered places).

As someone who has been a motel manager in the past, I was incensed. When I went down to complain, there was no staff at the desk for the better part of half an hour. The only thing they would do is say, “Sorry”.

After another half an hour on the phone with, I finally got a new hotel (at a much higher rate) and a refund of ONLY the unused nights! The corporate heads of this chain WILL hear about this.

So, we moved to the new hotel, a much more upscale chain thinking “WOHOOO! Sleep!” Wrong. Epic Fail. Night 2 of our trip we found ourselves next door to a small family with an infant that couldn’t have been 2 months old. We were woken 3 times during the night as the child squalled for 15-20 minutes before the parents actually got it quieted down. As a parent myself, I understand the realities of this but it didn’t make me any less grumpy or tired the next day.

“What was that incredibly loud whistle thing”

“That’s the steam whistle telling everyone its time to get up”

Night 3 vied for the worst night. After a long day in the dealer room, we retired to our hotel to order a pizza and recoup only to have the piercing fire alarm go off, at the volume of a small corporate jet engine, even before the pizza arrived. Traipsing down the stairs we sought refuge from the heat in my car as we watched no fewer than 5 (!) fire trucks respond to the call. Our pizza arrived just as Nampa’s finest cleared the building with NO fire. Ok, better safe than sorry. We returned to our room and our repast. Every two hours (give or take) until 5am, the alarm went off in all the rooms of the hotel. It never lasted more than 5 seconds, but when someone fires off an air horn (at about 40 decibels louder than would cause damage to a rock) at 2:45 am (I looked at the clock), you WAKE UP (no saving throw allowed). Almost worse, you can’t really go back to sleep not knowing if it would happen again.

When I went down to the lobby in my jammies to find out WTF was going on, I was told that they’d been on the phone with the alarm company and nothing they seemed to do would solve the problem and that a technician was incoming. Why wasn’t this done the FIRST time?

“Does that train come through here every night at 3AM?”

“No sir. That’s very unusual.”

Needless to say Sunday we didn’t need makeup to play zombies.

Our food experiences also didn’t measure up including a very bad meal at the upscale Darby’s (/Avoid)

Summary: Great Con, Great People, LOUSY Hotels and food experiences.


 August 6, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 282013


Over 100 authors in 50 different booths festooned the 5th Annual NW Book Festival.  The location of Pioneer Courthouse Square seems to have been perfect with a number of attendees stumbling upon the Festival only by chance as Pioneer square is a transit center for the heavily used public transportation of Portland. The coordinators of the event clearly have done an exceptional job. We certainly will return next year.

IMG_20130727_095810_290Don Quixote, the main character from Toy Wars, was the darling of the show. We had scores of people get pulled in to our booth by his presence, even those who had no interest in science fiction. More than one vendor said that they would need to get a bear to compete.

We had more than one offers to buy Don, but how can we part with a member of the family.



We want to let you know that we do listen, especially to some of the more colorful folks. We have also positively taken the feedback to provide a Young Adult or Near Adult novels in our offerings. Our hope this will be covered with an offering that we are already negotiating with our author Bruce Graw.

We were very pleased with the turnout and the response of the public to our offerings. TANSTAAFL Press wants to thank all of the people who visited our booth for their opinions, stories and purchases.

Special shout-outs to Bird, Mark, and Scott.

 July 28, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 092013

We have made all of our books available now on Barnes and Noble for all you Nook readers.  We are having small difficulties with offering the print version through B&N that hopefully we will resolve soon.

A word of advice for those looking for the books.  Please use both the name and the author’s name when doing a search.  We’ve seen times when the name alone doesn’t do the job.

Thank you again for your support!


 July 9, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 042013

We are being added to the list of exhibitors at the West Hollywood Book Fair on the 29th of September and hope to see all of the folks that helped critique Toy Wars as well as anyone else in the city of Angles. As a former Long Beacher I’m looking forward to seeing my old stomping grounds not to mention sharing our new projects.

In conjunction with the trip for the South Dakota Festival of Books, I’ve been asked to speak at my alma mater, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on career management. I’ve not added this to my appearances schedule as it is not open to the public.  Perhaps in the future.

On a sadder note, we’ve had to remove Orycon in Portland from this year’s book tour.  While we would love to attend, we are needed to support Blooming Artichoke Herbary at the  American Herbalist Guild Symposium that very same weekend.


 July 4, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »