Feb 232013

Demon Holiday, by Bruce Graw, is VERY close to going to the printers.   We are anticipating books being available for purchase in mid April.

Typesetting is in the final stages (second edit round consisting almost entirely of hyphenation issues).

The book cover is approximately 60% completed as we have received, once again, stunning artwork from Tony Foti for the front cover. The cover should be completed by end of February.



 February 23, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Dec 212012

With Toy Wars and An Eighty Percent Solution now in print we have been able to turn our thoughts to the future.  We at TANSTAAFL are pleased to announce that we have added two new novels to our future releases for Spring of 2014, Thinking Outside the Box and Demon Ascendant.

Thinking Outside the Box is the second of many books in the CorpGov Chronicles.

Wayward School is a stand alone cyberpunk novel.

Please select the links above for pre-production blurbs of the books.  More details as they happen.

 December 21, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »
Dec 212012

We at TANSTAAFL Press continue our policy of providing the first chapter of each book we publish as a preview. We don’t want anyone making a purchase of one of our books without having a good idea that they will like not only the concept but the writing style as well.

As a result you can find the preview for Demon Holiday by following the link or going in the the Excerpts pull down menu.

As an additional bonus we’ve added Tony Foti’s rough sketch for the cover of Demon Holiday.

 December 21, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »
Dec 042012

More progress!

Toy Wars and An Eighty Percent Solution can be found as ebooks on Amazon.com.  You can get to each of them by following the appropriate link below.



 December 4, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »
Oct 202012

Progress continues on both Toy Wars and An Eighty Percent Solution. Why is it that writing a book seems so much more easy than printing a book? (that’s a rhetorical question, folks as we at TANSTAAFL Press are n00bs when it comes to publishing)

Toy Wars is now totally in the hands of the printer at this point after successful proofs.  We’re expecting to have the print completed and books in hand by mid-November! Our official launch for both of these books remains April, but we will offer books for sale on this site as soon as we have hard copies in hand.

An Eighty Percent Solution is a horse of a different color… literally. An Eighty Percent Solution actually was at the printers long before Toy Wars. We had “galley proofs” printed. It was a disaster. Not only were the covers almost black (you couldn’t see the left side of the young woman’s face), but they also had a very significant green tinge instead of the ethereal blue color you see online. The list of issues we’ve had with the cover made getting Toy Wars cover correct the first… or should we say second time much easier. BUT problems continue on the An Eighty Percent Solution cover. We finally have the color right, but there is color bleed into the white space making the barcode unreadable. We’ve learned a great deal about graphics design, file conversions and CMYK vs RGB over the last few months. In short we still have an issue with this cover. Once we have that straightened out, it will be printed as well. We’re anticipating copies in hand by the end of November.

In anticipation of having product, we have added an e-commerce app to this site. Don’t look for it yet. We won’t activate it until we have books in hand. TANSTAAFL Press will never sell vaporware. Our site will only accept PayPal as a source of funds as PayPal already have all of the security for credit cards or direct withdraw from checking accounts.  We will also only offering soft covered books, not ebooks on this site.  e-books, and soft books will be available from Amazon and B&N at the official book launch. Again, use their proven abilities to control the electronic media.

Stay tuned. We will announce print in hands here when it happens.






 October 20, 2012  Uncategorized 1 Response »
Jul 162012

Wanted to give you all a quick progress update of the novels planned for our spring launch.

An Eighty Percent Solution – This novel gone through typesetting and is being proofed as we speak.  Our intent is to have the first galley proofs started within 4 weeks.

Toy Wars – This novel is in edit right now.  There are some interesting grammatical style issues in this novel that are taking longer in edit. Our editor said that Toy Wars has been one of her  most challenging because of capitalization of toy types vs toy names.  Probably see this to go to typesetting by the end of the month.

Demon Holiday – This has been the biggest challenge. To our surprise as we got ready to move on to the next stage, we found this novel is much too large for a single volume.  DH’s author, Bruce Graw, will be converting this into two novels at a logical break point near the center.  Our hope is still to have the first of these two novels to you in either spring or early summer. Note that Tony Foti has been retained to do this cover, it is low on our priority list so we asked him to put it on the back burner.

 July 16, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 162012

Thanks to Amanda at ilioness.com, the covers are ready for galley proofs.  She did a wonderful job.  You can find the full bookcovers at Toy Wars and An Eighty Percent Solution.

For those of you who are unaware, galley proofs are books that are complete in just about every way. They bear the mark “Galley Proof” or “Edit Sample” or something similar. Galley proofs are primarily used to get into the hands of those who will review them and provide the immortal quote. Many books have a quote from a famous author or organization.  The way they get those quotes prior to publication is to send galley proofs as a free offer to get their feedback before the final print of the book with those quotes on them.


 July 16, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jun 262012

We apologize to all of you for the delay at posting the edited preview version of Toy Wars.  The rewrite from 15 years ago took longer than  expected.

You can find it through the menu or just link here: Toy Wars

I hope you enjoy!


 June 26, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »
May 212012

Tony Foti has provided a very nearly done version of the cover art for An Eighty Percent Solution. Here is your preview of what the cover illustration will eventually look like.

Intermediate Eighty Percent Solution Cover Art

 May 21, 2012  Uncategorized No Responses »