Aug 092023

While not exactly planned, I had a full week plus to kill before GenCon and it was only about 6 hours away. So, with the heat of the summer and the issues between my generator and AC, I decided to find a state park to camp in. I found one about 90 minutes east of Columbus. I registered for a 3 night stay (Tues-Fri). Best laid plans of mice and men.

Early Monday morning, I found my black water tank (the one that stores the icky bathroom stuff) is right at the brim of overflowing. I must find a dump. I had planned on staying Monday night at a rest area that had a dump, but it was closed. So now, I had to find an alternative. No problem. I pulled up my rv dump site app only to find there weren’t any free dump sites unless I headed hours out of my way. Dirty rats bottoms and other expletives. There were several pay ones that ranged in price from $12 to $25. Bah!

Well, I thought, my campsite at Salt Fork was only $31 per night… why not see if I can sneak in early to dump, OR take an extra day in the luxury of having electricity without the rattle of the generator? I did the latter.

Salt Fork State Park is a lovely, groomed park. If you are looking for the wilds of camping this isn’t the place for you. It does have miles of wonderful hiking trails, but you aren’t camping in the wilderness. There are jungle gyms and slides for the kids and the first day I was here, I had the mower spending a couple of hours outside my RV. There are showers, bathrooms, and other accommodations.

Salt Fork has so many amenities that I can’t possibly list them all, but there are multiple lake beaches, a marina, boating, hiking, and even gem finding. I spent a nice few days here relaxing. I recommend this place to anyone who wants a break from boondocking.

 August 9, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Aug 092023

Ok, I’m heading the farthest east I’ve traveled with TANSTAAFL Press. But, along the way, I’m stopping at Bruce Graw’s house for a visit and to pick up some things I had shipped there (I was short of some books and business cards).

I did dinner with his sister, we went and saw a couple of movies (Indiana Jones, and Spiderman), and I attended D&D with him.

I also managed some prosaic things like laundry, a minor trailer repair, and catching up on sleep! Nice visit but I had to make it march to get to Confluence in Pittsburg. Besides, Bruce comes to GenCon with me and helps me man the booth there. We will chat more there.

Welcome to Confluence in Pittsburg! This lovely convention had many surprises in store for me.

 First, let’s start with accommodations. I was able to boondock in the parking hotel lot, but at a cost. No, not a monetary cost, but a physical one. To be out of the way, the only spots available were not even sort of level. Where I ended up, I had a list of approximately 10 degrees from the driver’s side down to the passenger’s side and a slight head’s down angle, but nothing like the side-to-side problem.

Now, nominally a slight angle isn’t an issue but this was severe enough to cause problems. I had to sleep on my bed diagonally (and not sleep well). It also didn’t allow for cooking. And my spare hours really only had one position that was even halfway comfortable… leaning up against the wall in my dinette area. That doesn’t even talk about doing bathroom issues and other things.

Not the most comfortable of my stays on this trip.

The next surprise was the convention itself. I’m usually a good judge of how large a show is just from the website and talking with the convention committee. I had this down as a 1-2K attendee show. <BUZZ> Thanks for playing. More on this later. 

Day one was very disappointing with light traffic, minimal interactions by the people, and even fewer sales. Day two was turning better but still light. I wondered where all the people were. Until I heard a couple of the convention committee chatting near my booth that the total gate count was about 280 souls. Ack!

I’ll be honest, if I’d known that there were so few people, I may not have attended. And I would have missed out on what turned into a pretty decent show all, in all.

While for us, sales aren’t everything, they are a metric of how well the business is doing overall. There is a general tenant that for any show, a vendor should get 3-5x the cost of the show in sales to make it worthwhile. This show hit 6x even though we were only 2/3rds the nominal target sales we have for any show. So from a purely business perspective, the show turned out well.

From an engagement perspective, I had some problems. My normal patter (or flirting for those who remember my class Flirting for Fun and Profit) just wasn’t working as well as most every other convention. My rough guess is that it is an East Coast vs West Coast thing. I’m not at all saying that the EC folks were standoffish, only that I didn’t know the keys to properly engage. It did get better as the weekend went on, but I still felt there was a strain there that I don’t feel elsewhere. Maybe next time, I’ll get it right.

 August 9, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 202023

I’ve got lots of time to make it to KC. It’s only about an 8-hour drive and I have 4 days to make it. So, I’m taking time to smell the roses. Well, ok, laundry and dishes and cleaning the trailer.

It was well over 90 degrees and my aircon/generator combination wasn’t keeping it cool enough for me (I melt over 75 degrees), AND, I had some issues with my generator’s exhaust. <still having issues with uploading images and probably will until I get home 🙁 > Soooooo, I actually broke my general boondocking rule for these trips. I found a pleasant Missouri state campground that had electricity and stayed there for two nights (at $32 per night). Their grid power allowed me to keep the temp under 80 inside my trailer. I spent the time writing and catching up on all of the other things that often get pushed under the rug during a long trip.

One of those things was the construction of a more robust exhaust system for my trailer. Dr. Frankenstein had nothing on what I built, but, it works, and works well.

So now the convention! I did KantCon last year. It went reasonably well. I remember being pleased but not overly impressed. It is a small con, maybe 700-800 people. This year there were more folks. I saw one of the later badge numbers of just over 1100. This means a significant increase over last year. But the biggest increase was in sales.

Friday, day one, I had reasonable sales. I remembered this con I did most of my sales day one and then trickled for the rest of the weekend. So, with the sales day one, I figured I’d get close to my sales figures for last year. How wrong I was.

Saturday, I did 25% more than I did Friday. I have now had a nice increase over last year. I’m quite pleased at this point. I figure everyone has seen and bought from me and Sunday would be a big nothing burger. Wrong again.

Sunday, I did almost the same as Friday! This gives me a near record. Only MisCon and GenCon beat these total numbers. I’m so happy at the results that I could dance naked around a fire under the full moon! (Trust me that you wouldn’t want me to, but I’m that happy 😊 )

Barring a major disaster, I’ll be back next year.

Previous leg of Roadtrip – Leg 3
Next leg of the Roadtrip – Leg 5

 July 20, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 102023

Well, I stopped along the way to visit with some relatives… ex relatives? My niece and sister-in-law from when I was married to my first wife. I’m still on good terms with them and dropped by for a nice lunch. Very friendly and we had fun catching up.

Afterward, Google Maps has taken me off of I-90 (same length of time but there are tolls) and put me on Iowa’s Highway 20. I’m not sure I’m liking a highway that has stop signs and stoplights. Sigh. But I’m still making good time.

I seem to be leapfrogging a major storm cell. It washes over me when I’m asleep with masses of thunder, lightning, and drenching downpours. Then I seem to race through it during the day. It keeps things cool and exciting, all at the same time.

Arrived at the site of the convention and was invited by the hotel staff to stay in the parking lot in my RV. This will save me a good deal of traveling back and forth. I can stay at the con and enjoy some of the festivities after the dealer’s room closes.

InConJunction is a nice little SF convention with some great folks (maybe 1500 people) in Indianapolis. There were many different tracks of seminars and panels, six at the same time. One of the tracks was the Writer’s Symposium which had many different topics including a pair of open mic nights for authors, poets, etc. I gave them the first several pages of my novel Of Demons and Coal, “The Easy Way,” a micro story in my short story collection Window of Opportunity, and read my “Programming Loyalty” from the anthology It’s Your Cow by Frog Jones. We also had readings from two different authors who have been nominated for a Hugo – Mary Robinette Kowal and Marie Vibbert. Sales were OK. Nothing to write home about but I’d like to do this show again. Next year’s show is themed Steampunk! If I can fit it in, I’ll be there.

BTW, no longer cool! Approaching 100F during the days.

Previous leg of Roadtrip – Leg 2
Next leg of the Roadtrip – Leg 4

 July 10, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 052023

Vacation time – Black Hills, SD

I’ve lived for 12 years in SD. Got my degree here and much of my formative years. So the city is familiar, as anything can be 35 years later. One of my favorite childhood memories is going fishing up in the Black Hills.

BTW… If you have never been to the Black Hills, I highly recommend it. Peaceful. Calming. Scenic. You have Mount Rushmore (yes, THAT Mount Rushmore). Deadwood where Wild Bill Hickok got shot with his poker hand of aces and eights. In August, you have the Sturgis Bike Rally (more motorcycles than you can shake a stick at. The Needles Highway. You have the Crazy Horse Monument. Just over the border, you have Devil’s Tower. Just the dense pines and craggy mountains are impressive enough. And don’t forget the Badlands… very impressive that even has Wall Drug.

But for me, calming in the way outback fishing and being mellow is my plan. I’m near a little wide spot in the road called Rochford. Although on the way, I stopped in Deadwood and won a poker tournament. Made some dinner and listened to the wind through the pines and the burble of the water. I’d forgotten how voracious the mosquitos are here. Fortunately, I have repellant and have kept myself mostly bite-free.

I forgot how much work fishing is. I did manage to catch two but ended up with my back all cramped up.  

So what is it about people with just a little bit of power that turns them into NAZIs? I was parked at a nice little spot about 5 miles from Rochford. The brook. The scenery. About 10AM, less than 24hrs from setting up my camp, I get a bang on my door. I get presentable (I was changing after fishing) and open the door. There is an older gentleman on a bike wearing a scowl.

He tells me he is a volunteer trail warden (I’m parked right next to a bike/hike trail) and wants to know if I want him to make a call.


“If I have to call the sheriff, you won’t like it when he gets here.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You are camping on state land.”

“I thought this was on National Forest Land.” (BTW after I checked, if I moved 100’ in most directions I’d be on National Forest Land).

“No. Now shall I call the Sheriff?”

“No need. I’ll move.”

“You better. If you are here when I get back…”

“I said I’d move.”

I was blocking no one and troubling no one. I hadn’t left my camp a mess. An officious putz. If that weren’t bad enough, the jerk parked in a way that made hooking up to my trailer very difficult.

So, I moved. I was traveling along back the way I came when I saw a sign showing National Forest land. Travelled up that dirt road and found a nice place in the middle of a meadow. No water or streams near me so fishing pretty much went out the window (oh, darned, no more back cramps )

Fortunately, my new camping place worked out wonderfully. Spent some quality time in the Black Hills, and even managed a few profitable (for me) poker tournaments. Visited many of my old haunts, including my alma mater, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. SDSM&T added two buildings and is constructing a new one and expanding the student union. So many changes everywhere. It’s like every habitation in the entire Black Hills doubled in size. What do you expect for 35 years, eh?

BTW… I’d add pics but there seems to be some hiccups in uploading images from the road. I’ll look it over and try to figure it out later.

Previous leg of Roadtrip – Leg 1
Next leg of the Roadtrip – Leg 3

 July 5, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 052023

Castle Rock, WA to Rapid City, SD

Three days of driving. If you’ve ever taking a long road trip there wasn’t anything you haven’t seen. Uneventful. The only unusual thing is that I prepared for hot summer weather and it rarely broached 70 degrees F. Mostly it stayed in the 50s and overcast. Occasionally, I was rewarded with some light rain.

Made it to a friend’s house in Spearfish, SD, about 40 minutes from my destination. Here I stopped and played LOTS of games with him and his wife.

Friday was day 1 of BLACK HILLS CON. Unfortunately for attendance, the storms (yes, plural) that I’d been traveling under finally pushed over the mountains and descended on the Black Hills and poured rain, and hail, and spawned tornadoes all over. I did meet a lot of nice folks including a book vendor that I first met at MisCon.

I did my first seminar for the convention, “Making Characters of Your Characters,” with an interesting snafu, the first of several regarding my seminars here. I arrived about 5 minutes before my appointed time to find a young lady behind the “panelist” table. I remarked that I didn’t know this was going to be a panel and asked who was leading it. She claimed she was despite being massively nervous. Whatever. I’ll go with the flow.

We had about ten audience members (amazing for a con of this size). Without introducing me, this young woman (whose name escapes me but I have a picture!) starts talking about scare acting… that is being a member of a haunted house or the like. I’m trying to figure out what this has to do with characters. A number of the audience is looking at me in confusion as well. To make a long story short, she was scheduled for 5PM and it was only 4PM.

<insert picture>

Soooooooo, we all talked it over and let her continue. I didn’t get to start my seminar until just shy of 5. I got many kudos AND several people from this seminar came to see ALL of my talks. Being out of my booth for two hours was hard.  

Saturday started bright but by the time the convention started, we had another storm cell overhead. Marginally better than Friday, allowing me to cover my booth and cost of books and well into starting to defray the significant expense of driving out here.

Seminar snafu #2. Somehow, I was scheduled to give the same seminar “Believable World Building” both at noon and 1. Apparently, he thought I was going to do some interactive with the audience and would need more than an hour. NOPE. So, I gave my seminar. Somehow, the Q&A got partially hijacked about my favorite version of D&D and what RPG systems I’ve played. We got back on track but it was a weird diatribe. The seminar ended 10 minutes to 1, just in time for several people who wanted the seminar but weren’t available at noon. Not wanting to disappoint, I gave it again. Out of my booth again for two hrs.

Sunday, like many cons, was all but dead for us dealers. I had my last seminar, the biggest snafu of them all at noon. The problem was that I wasn’t supposed to give another seminar. When I’d talked to the folks about seminars they had me fill out a form. It was pretty typical. Name of seminars, brief descriptions, name of presenter, a brief description of the presenter, how much time for each, special needs.

Somehow, the brief description of myself got turned into a seminar: “10+ book published novelist and graduate of SDSM&T.” SDSM&T is the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, my alma mater. Five people attended—two from my other seminars.  And I talked about all manner of things from how I got into the business of being an author/publisher, to the basic outline of steps to publish, to colleges, to … We were all over the place.

Before we wrapped up, I got an evil surprise. The con people delivered SD state tax forms. That I had to pay tax, I didn’t have a problem with. I charge it when I take a CC payment and I eat it when I take cash. Like most shows, I google the tax rate for the city I’m doing. I was told, on the .gov site, that the tax rate was 4.5%. This form said that was only the state tax and I had to pay an additional 1.5% for tourism tax (really?), and a 2% city tax. I had to pay 3.5% in addition to what I’d ferreted out. Ack!

Loud out was simple, but most of the vendors started tearing down an hour before the room closed. At most conventions I go to, that is a MASSIVE no-no. It will get you blacklisted. Oh, well.

Next leg of the Roadtrip – Leg 2

 July 5, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jan 122023

Oh, few but dedicated readers, you may have noticed a couple of changes we’ve made in our website. We will explain!

We no longer sell books from this website! In short, it was too costly (time and money) for a number of reasons to continue. And based on sales, most of you preferred to purchase on Amazon in any case. Links to purchase in the excerpts now take you to the pages.

Next, we added series pages to the excerpts. It just made sense. Don’t know why we didn’t do that long ago.

Additionally, we updated our newsletter signup. It wasn’t working off the website as planned so we revamped it so that it will now do so. If you are already a member, you can still “sign up” and get the free ebook. Go for it!

We updated our appearances page which was woefully out of date. You will see a number of unconfirmed shows. It is primarily because we haven’t heard from the organizers. We’ve applied and are waiting… patiently.

There was a good deal of cleanup on the website. Many links that really didn’t take you anywhere useful. Entire sections that were worthless to anyone got excised.

In short, we spent a week hacking around the back end of our website to make it more useful and streamline.

Happy 2023!

 January 12, 2023  Uncategorized No Responses »
Aug 222022

Goodness but we’ve been remiss in updating when and where we will be showing up. I have published what we have. I’ve only listed the shows we will likely be in. There will be others, but I don’t confirmation on some of the more unusual ones.

I’m sad to say that one of our staple conventions, OryCon, won’t be held this year. But I hope the convention committee comes back from this break refreshed and ready to tackle more lovely fun!

 August 22, 2022  Uncategorized No Responses »
Oct 072021

Any fans of TANSTAAFL Press will recognize our logo… Don Quixote holding his iconic M16 assault rifle. At conventions of late, Don hasn’t had his weapon. This isn’t because it has been banned (although TANSTAAFL Press has been removed from at least one convention because they wouldn’t remove it), but rather because his gun is broken.

Yes, you heard me right, his gun is broken. The M16 in the images is a plastic gun. The joint where the black handguard meets the silver main mechanism of the weapon is fragile as the entire structure is plastic and hollow. Don has gone through THREE copies of this gun at considerable expense for each one.

We’ve been working to make a broken version whole and more robust but it has been laborious and fraught with issues.

Recently, on our way back from GenCon, we caught a billboard sign that advertised an all-metal model of the AR-15 (the civilian variant of the M16) from With the appropriate amount of skepticism we investigated and were even more skeptical as the price for Goat Gun’s metal model of the gun is less than HALF what the plastic ones were. We ordered one. It was shipped the next day and arrived the day following.

The Goat Gun AR-15 is the bomb. No, it isn’t a bomb, but rather in the idiomatic term that it is exceptional! It looks incredible (see for yourself) There is a very small amount of assembly (no tools) but is solid! I no longer have to worry about someone hugging the bear and hearing the telltale “snap” of the plastic breaking again.

Because of the skill of the folks at Goat Guns, Don will resume his militant defense of the TANSTAAFL Press convention tables.

 October 7, 2021  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jul 052021

We’ve talked about the changes brought about by the C19 pandemic. We now have a much better view of what the rest of this year will hold for us at TANSTAAFL Press.

First, we have release updates. The sequel to The Faerie of Central Park, by Bruce Graw, The Gremlin of Morningside Heights, is on its way to the printers as I type this. We expect to have print books in hand by end of July. And, if that isn’t sweet enough, the sequel to Gremlin, The Djinn of the Upper East Side is in our hands and is going through edits. We are hoping to have this available before the end of the year.

Thomas Gondolfi has finished Courting Witchcraft, the sequel to Of Demons and Coal. It is in edit and beta reader’s hands at the moment. This should be available circa mid-August.

And now conventions! (and there was much rejoicing) I won’t lie and say everything is back to normal. Because of this, our convention schedule is rather weird. Here it is, in all it’s glory.

GenCon – Indianapolis, IN – 9/16 – 9/21
Lilac City Comic Con – Spokane, WA – 10/2 – 10/3
Grit City Comic Con – Tacoma, WA – 10/9
Spocon – Spokane, WA – 10/29 – 10/31
OryCon – Portland, WA – 11/14 – 11/14 (unconfirmed)

We feel fairly confident we will be in OryCon but less likely the three below. We have also inquired to RustyCon (Bellvue, WA), Gateway (Los Angeles, CA), and Emerald City Comic Con (Seattle, WA).

Hope we see you there!

 July 5, 2021  Uncategorized No Responses »