Jun 012014

I mentioned in my previous posts that I was interviewed at Crypticon. SciFi Monkeys is a long running SciFi / Horror review blog. After they read only half of Toy Wars they came and asked to interview me.

The interview is now posted (over nine minutes — didn’t know I was that verbose). In addition they said some very nice things about Toy Wars. Go see the interview and their own words at  http://scifimonkeys.com/sfm-exclusive-ronnie-chats-with-thomas-gondolfi-author-of-toy-wars-at-crypticon-seattle/.



 June 1, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
May 272014

TOTB 2in high


For those of you who have been waiting, Thinking Outside the Box is now available for purchase. We’ve actually had them since before Crypticon but haven’t been able to update this website fast enough to keep up while getting ready for a show. Preorders shipped last week. If you are interested in this latest installment in the CorpGov Chronicles, please click on the above link to purchase the physical copy or this link to go to your favorite ebook seller.

 May 27, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
May 272014

“Welcome all you horror honeys!” announced the Crypt Keeper himself.

Crypticon was one of the best run conventions we’ve ever attended. The staff was available, knowledgeable and courteous. The facilities were spacious and we had a great booth location. The events were well planned and professionally announced. There were good demonstrations and skits in the middle of the vendor’s area (we’re still singing “Time Warp” and “Thriller”). There were scads of guests stars that you actually KNEW and even more scads you didn’t unless you were deep in the genre — scream queens, writers, actors.. EVERYONE in the genre.

All of that being said, I won’t be going back (and I wish Crypticon would give lessons to other conventions). My products didn’t match the customers wants.

At a normal convention we am interacting with the public continuously — either bringing people in with a casual flirt or talking to someone who is showing an interest or even to booth vampires that just want to talk the day away. At Crypticon most people wouldn’t even meet our eyes. Very few folks engaged. We spent most of the con sitting there trying to think of a way to get folks to just come in and talk. It was obvious by watching their eyes that they had discounted our product, and thus us, before even getting close to our booth.

We had our worst single day convention sales (zero) and by far our worst 3 day con sales (a paultry eight books, six of which were “Toy Wars”). To our great surprise, not a single Demon Holiday or Demon Ascendant sold… at a horror convention.

On the plus side we did meet some great people… Special shout outs to Ronnie of SciFi Monkeys, “just shorten it to” Al, and some of my other writing colleagues Evil Girlfriend Media, Eloise Knapp and Tony Monchinski.

 May 27, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jan 282014

Well we’ve been confirmed into a number of our old venues and picked up a couple of new ones such as Origins Game Fair, Nerdfets and Crypitcon Seattle. Missed out on two more Washington conventions that we are looking at for next year (RadCon and RainFurrest).

Because we haven’t heard from MisCon (again) and Crypticon Seattle is on the same weekend we dropped them from the list. We also removed the PNBA Fall show as it isn’t open to the public, only media professionals. Maybe in the future but right now our focus is on you, our public.

Please check out our updated appearances list.

Hope to meet many new people and renew old acquaintances!

 January 28, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jan 202014

I had the pleasure to vend in a convention this weekend… RustyCon (http://www.rustycon.com/) in Seattle. I failed to get a photo, but my boothRustyCon_Ad copy looked pretty much the same as it has any other con.

Other than to give everyone an update I wanted to say how wrong I was about this convention. I expected a tiny con where I sold about 8 books and in the end I’d find it disappointing. ANYTHING BUT!

For the first time in recent memory, I actually cleared the cost of my booth and the advertizing, my gas and what little other expenses I had. For first year that is amazing. They offered a full page in their program for $50.. wow. My add apparently impressed even the staff (from the comments I got).

Not only did it go well financially, I obtained a number of new contacts and shows to attend such as (Crypticon in Seattle, RadCon in Pasco, WA, and RainFurrest also in Seattle). Each of these cons had more than one proponent for it especially with the books I have in print.

I want to thank RustyCon for an exceptional experience and I’ve already signed up for next year!

 January 20, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jan 122014

This is probably a good time to also admit to a change in the release schedule.

At our insistence, Thomas Gondolfi, is going to be too busy putting out the third CorpGov Chronicles, The Bleeding Edge, to be able to put the polish on Wayward School as originally planned. For this reason we’ve moved Wayward School to a Fall ’15 publication date.

But for those waiting for Wayward School the bad new isn’t done yet. At the same time there is potential good news for Toy Wars fans. Thomas Gondolfi has seen such positive reaction to Toy Wars that he is considering pushing Wayward even farther out in order to publish a TW sequel with the working title Toying with Reservations. If we go forward with this change we’ll make the decision sometime late in 2014 and announce it here and on the Release Page

 January 12, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
Jan 122014

We have obviously been remiss. Here we are less than 6 months from publications and we’ve forgotten to put up a blurb about “Thinking Outside the Box – CorpGov Chronicles: Book Two”.  It now exits, along with the blurb for “The Bleeding Edge – CorpGov Chronicles: Book Three.”

We hope you enjoy the tantalizing taste of each of these. Thinking Outside the Box will be available in June of this year while we are planning on a Spring ’15 publication of The Bleeding Edge.

 January 12, 2014  Uncategorized No Responses »
Dec 132013

We realized, belatedly, that since we have sent the Demon Ascendant manuscript for typesetting we actually had the final version of the text. There was no reason to not make the first chapter available as a preview, as always, to our fans.

Current plans are to have the print and electronic versions available in February. In the meantime we are taking preorders for the print version at a substantial discount.

This is just the first offering from TANSTAAFL Press in 2014. Don’t miss Thinking Outside the Box, CorpGov Chronicles: Book Two and Wayward School, both from Thomas Gondolfi and both available in 2014.

 December 13, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »
Dec 052013

Tony Foti, of tonyfotiart.com, has done it for us again. Here is a preview of the illustration that will adorn the coveTotBr of Thinking Outside the Box, the second offering in the CorpGov Chronicles. (You can see a larger version by clicking on the image.)

On the cover we have Christine stalking her next victim in Seattle, continuing our series primarily set in the Pacific Northwest.

This is the next step in bringing the sequel to An Eighty Percent Solution to our fans. We are still on track for a June release.


 December 5, 2013  Uncategorized No Responses »