I had the pleasure to vend in a convention this weekend… RustyCon (http://www.rustycon.com/) in Seattle. I failed to get a photo, but my booth looked pretty much the same as it has any other con.
Other than to give everyone an update I wanted to say how wrong I was about this convention. I expected a tiny con where I sold about 8 books and in the end I’d find it disappointing. ANYTHING BUT!
For the first time in recent memory, I actually cleared the cost of my booth and the advertizing, my gas and what little other expenses I had. For first year that is amazing. They offered a full page in their program for $50.. wow. My add apparently impressed even the staff (from the comments I got).
Not only did it go well financially, I obtained a number of new contacts and shows to attend such as (Crypticon in Seattle, RadCon in Pasco, WA, and RainFurrest also in Seattle). Each of these cons had more than one proponent for it especially with the books I have in print.
I want to thank RustyCon for an exceptional experience and I’ve already signed up for next year!