Fantasy Anthology Guidelines – “Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns”


Our anthology call for fantasy stories for Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns is now closed.  Thank you for considering our press!

  3 Responses to “Fantasy Anthology Guidelines – “Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns””

  1. […] FILLED — Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns — TANSTAAFL Press [First Posted in September […]

  2. […] Until filled: ‘We now have an OPEN call for the high fantasy anthology “Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns”.’ PAYING […]

  3. […] Pay: 2.5c/word; 3c/word for writers who have been published before by TANSTAAFL Press Details here. Three-Lobed Burning Eye The editor of this magazine, Andrew S. Fuller, recently tweeted that […]