Feb 232020

2/23/20 Barstow, CA to Las Vegas, NV – 156 miles

To see the entire road trip visit www.tanstaaflpress.com/tgrt/

So there may be some derision about me stopping this short of Vegas, but on a short night of sleep, touristing, and that I tire easily, I found the stop quite important. I initially intended just to stop for a quick nap, food, and gas, but after stopping I could feel the exhaustion. Even with it only being 7PM, I chose the better part of valor and called it a night. Good thing because the friend I’m visiting usually crashes early and I wouldn’t have been there before 10.

It did let me get caught up on my blogging (as you have seen) before I crashed and then uploaded it when I woke at o-dark-thirty.

I feel better and refreshed and the world is new! It is my oyster and I shall have it! Ok.. maybe that is going a little too far, but I really feel good today after my depression in the City of the Angels.

The terrain today was gentle hills, sand, and scrub growth. It never inspired anyone. So I spent the day listening to, and commenting back to my friend on the “audio letter”. It kept my attention as it was politics.

Please note, I will not subject you with my politics. In reality I’m a centrist (or as a different friend pointed out a moderate). However, I have some very serious splits that surround me. My wife says she is moderate but tends to lean heavily one way along with a good number of those people I call friends. My father, sister, mother, AND the friend I was listening to on the audio letter, are STRONGLY the other direction. This leaves me caught in the middle. In any case, my audio letter spouted political rhetoric which, I admit I could have avoided, demanded me to be vehement back and clobber some obvious untruths. For a change I enjoyed the political discussion. Before I knew it the glitz of Las Vegas appeared on the horizon.

I’ll be spending most of the next week with a friend (not the audio letter friend). I’ll report on the convention (DiceTowerWest) on Monday next, and then will run off toward Salt Lake City on Wed after. Probably no reports until then.

Next: That weighs HOW MUCH???

 February 23, 2020  Uncategorized  Add comments