

  No Responses to “eBooks”

  1. […] is “Writing Essentials: Organizing Your Mind”. You can read the second installment here, “Writing Essentials: Organizing Your Time”, the third here, “Writing Essentials: Organizing Your Plot”, the fourth here, “Writing […]

  2. […] FILLED — Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns — TANSTAAFL Press [First Posted in September […]

  3. […] Until filled: ‘We now have an OPEN call for the high fantasy anthology “Of Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns”.’ PAYING http://tanstaaflpress.com/fantasy-anthology-guidelines-of-witches-warriors-and-wyverns/ […]

  4. […] Pay: 2.5c/word; 3c/word for writers who have been published before by TANSTAAFL Press Details here. Three-Lobed Burning Eye The editor of this magazine, Andrew S. Fuller, recently tweeted that […]

  5. […] Find out more information about Enter the Rebirth. […]

  6. […] find several other creative end-of-the-world musings from the minds of 32 authors in the anthology, Enter the Apocalypse, edited by Tom Gondolfi. I’m honored to have had my story, “Death, Inc.”, included […]

  7. […] time ago, I submitted a story to an anthology of catastrophes, “Enter the Apocalypse”, edited by Thomas Gondolfi. I’m now the proud owner of my first physical […]

  8. […] TAANSTAAFL Press is calling for submissions to their upcoming anthology “Enter the Rebirth,” the third in a series of post-apocalyptic anthologies of short stories. They pay up to 8 cents per word, averaging 3 cents per word. Stories can be up to 8,000 words. The deadline is December 15th, 2016.  Submission guidelines. […]

  9. […] Good news for today is that my story “Passing the Torch” has been accepted for the Enter the Apocalypse antho series. You can check out the details of the anthos at the publisher’s website, here. […]

  10. […] TAANSTAAFL Press is calling for submissions to their upcoming anthology “Enter the Rebirth,” the third in a series of post-apocalyptic anthologies of short stories. They pay up to 8 cents per word, averaging 3 cents per word. Stories can be up to 8,000 words. The deadline is December 15th, 2016.  Submission guidelines. […]

  11. […] writers like Katie Cord & Tim Long (Evil Girlfriend Media), Chuck Anderson (Alucard Press), Tom Gondolfi (Tanstaafl Press), Elizabeth Guizzetti (ZB Publications), Matt Youngmark, and probably a few others […]

  12. […] 1.TAANSTAAFL Press is calling for submissions to their upcoming anthology “Enter the Rebirth,” the third in a series of post-apocalyptic anthologies of short stories. They pay up to 8 cents per word, averaging 3 cents per word. Stories can be up to 8,000 words.  Submission guidelines. […]

  13. […] December 2016 — Enter the RebirthEnter the Rebirth — TANSTAAFL […]

  14. […] Which is why I’m happy to share that I have my second publication (pending), a sale to the Enter the Apocalypse anthology. I don’t want to give too much away yet, but consider the story has both kaiju and vampirism […]

  15. […] This blog post is by Thomas Gondolfi, Author of Toy Wars and the CorpGov Chronicle and numerous pieces of short fiction in the genres of science fiction and cyberpunk. He is also the owner of TANSTAAFL Press (How do you like your SciFi? ). For more bio information go to http://tanstaaflpress.com/authors/biographies/tom-gondolfi/ […]

  16. […] on a submission for TANSTAAAFL Press’s Enter The Aftermath anthology and particularly liked this part, so I figured I would share while it’s still in […]

  17. […] Enter the Aftermath Payment: approximately .03/word (though payment varies) Length: up to 8,000 words Deadline: September 15th, 2016 What They Want: Fiction that focuses on the burnout or shortly after the apocalypse. Find the details here. […]

  18. […] B- (See Thomas’ notes on how he grades) […]

  19. […] Unexpected A- (See Thomas’ notes on how he grades) […]

  20. […] Hilarious B- (See Thomas’ notes on how he grades) […]

  21. […] To learn more, read their submission guidelines. […]

  22. […] September 2016 — Enter the Aftermath — TANSTAAFL […]

  23. […] Inc (D) (See Thomas’ notes on how he grades) […]

  24. […] This review is by Thomas Gondolfi, Author of Toy Wars and the CorpGov Chronicle and numerous pieces of short fiction in the genres of science fiction and cyberpunk. He is also the owner of TANSTAAFL Press (How do you like your SciFi? ).  […]

  25. […] review is by Thomas Gondolfi, author of Toy Wars and the CorpGov Chronicle and numerous pieces of short fiction in the genres of […]

  26. […] Nice solid B (See Thomas’ notes on how he grades) […]

  27. […] This review is by Thomas Gondolfi, Author of Toy Wars and the CorpGov Chronicle and numerous pieces of short fiction in the genres of science fiction and cyberpunk. He is also the owner of TANSTAAFL Press (How do you like your SciFi? ). For more bio information go to http://tanstaaflpress.com/authors/biographies/tom-gondolfi/ […]

  28. […] include (but isn’t limited to) nuclear, epidemic, supernatural, bioweapon, cosmic, aliens, etc. Website […]

  29. […] Building in the Digital Age, and To Outline or Not to Outline. Other panelists include Sam Knight, Tom Gondolfi, Kaye Thornbrugh, S. Evan Townsend, Maggie Bonham, David Brown, Tonya Macalino, Siana Wineland, […]

  30. […] two authors, Gondolfi and his good friend, Bruce Graw, and has recently signed two new authors: Christopher Bair and Stephanie Weippert. Gondolfi has published the first three books in a series called the CORPGOV […]

  31. […] far, TANSTAAFL has published two authors, Gondolfi and his good friend, Bruce Graw, and has recently signed two new authors: Christopher Bair and Stephanie Weippert. Gondolfi has […]

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  34. Curse you, Thomas Gondolfi! I was looking for a mindless read in An Eighty Percent Solution to unwind before bedtime. What you wrote kept me up half the night reading “just one more page until I turn off the light”. That happened not just once, but several nights in a row. You totally wrecked my work week!

    Then I discovered your book Toy Wars. The result was even more sleepless nights turning page after page, gleefully reading your accursed books. Now I’m writing this review exhausted, wondering when the next installments in your books will be. There will be more, wont there? There has to be more!

    For those of you considering reading Thomas Gondolfi’s books, beware. Do not try to read them just before going to sleep. You have been warned!

  35. Curse you, Thomas Gondolfi! I was looking for a mindless read in An Eighty Percent Solution to unwind before bedtime. What you wrote kept me up half the night reading “just one more page until I turn off the light”. That happened not just once, but several nights in a row. You totally wrecked my work week!

    Then I discovered your book Toy Wars. The result was even more sleepless nights turning page after page, gleefully reading your accursed books. Now I’m writing this review exhausted, wondering when the next installments in your books will be. There will be more, wont there? There has to be more!

    For those of you considering reading Thomas Gondolfi’s books, beware. Do not try to read them just before going to sleep. You have been warned!

  36. Good stuff! Immensely readable and entertaining. The characters are quirky and fun. The world is a complex mix of cybernetics, megacorporations, and magic.
    Tom Gondolfi gives us a tantalizing preview of a very possible near future, where Edward Abbey meets Occupy Wall Street.

  37. Here is a test comment

  38. Let me start by saying that I am not generally a science fiction fan. I am, however, a conscientious member of society with an imagination regarding the pretenses of our current commercial constructs. This book fabulously portrays themes of heroism, corruption, revenge and empowerment.

    Taking place in a demoralizing future of endless city development, degradation of organic earthly resources and controlled by an oligarchy, An Eighty Percent Solution follows a man used by corporate interests to infiltrate and destroy a rogue terrorism group. Perfectly illustrating a sad and dreary world of indentured servitude, there is no question that the motive for change propels the main character to take a different light on the group and instill his own form of activism.

    In addition to stringent controlling forces in the book’s themes, the flow, chapters, and execution of the writing all mimic a project work plan. Quite an interesting way to engross the reader further into the stage set.

    I related to the book’s setting of corporate control. The idea that a few elite and powerful people are dictating the standards and regulations of all is a depressing one. It is exactly what had me following Tony’s trials as he fought against the rule, even if at times the goal was unclear.

    We all need a little rebellion in our lives to remind us what our true values are. Read this, and be reignited!